Gangs ______________________________________________________________ The subject of gangs, including symbols, codes, rules, and the reality of gang life is a very lengthy and complicated subject and is beyond the purpose of this tutorial. What follows is an overview that attempts to describe the gang problem in general. -------------------------------------------------------------- The number of street gangs and the incidence of violence involving them is definately on the rise. If you live in a large city, you know this already. If you live in a smaller or medium size city, you have probably read about it, or are beginning to experience the problem locally. Gangs formed out of the feeling for a need to band together for protection against other groups with conflicting interests or intentions. It is generally believed that gangs are made up of members of society who fit a certain mold. People who join gangs are usually "followers" who are not able to get respect without their "gang identity". They probably had no one in their life to provide a positive influence on them. They were probably left home alone a lot due to various circumstances. They may have been involved in minor crimes and possibly drug use. They lack any feeling of importance or power. They have no real self-esteem. They feel there is no excitement in their lives. The gang environment offers, at least in the member's mind, all of these missing elements. As a gang member, they have any power that the gang has. They have an identity, as indicated by the "colors" they display. Gang-related graffiti is one sure sign of the presence of or the impending emergence of gangs in your area. Gangs mark their turf with gang symbols which can be found on building walls, sidewalks, and on just about anything else in the neighborhood. These gang symbols and other markings can contain various complicated codes. ______________________________________________________________ Some things to watch for in people you know if you're concerned about possible gang involvement. Continued in regular version.